Tag: dreams

Storytelling while asleep

About a billion years ago in college, I used experience every dream trope (false awakening, lucid dreaming, and just extremely vivid, movie-like dreams), along with sleep paralysis (which is kind of like dreaming, but you’re awake). Now I mostly have somewhat vivid dreams if I’m lucky, and the most I can lucid dream is detect that I’m in a dream or wake up on command, but can’t control it or stay asleep.

Dream Terminology

False awakening— A dream where you wake up…but you’re not actually awake. You’re still dreaming and you dreamed you woke up. Bonus if you’re stuck in a false awakening loop. 😑

Lucid dreaming— The ability to control your dreams and be aware that you’re dreaming. When I had this, I basically stopped having nightmares because I could control the outcome.

Sleep paralysis— Not really dream-related, but you feel like you’re dreaming. Sometimes you might wake up and realize you can’t move or open your eyes. And YMMV on this, but a lot of people sense an evil or malevolent entity nearby. IIRC, this really isn’t paranormal, but more psychological.

  • Dream: Man if Only This Space Phenomenon Happened in Real Life

    Every time I read or hear the phrase “once in a blue moon”, I’m reminded of my dream (it was a pretty cool dream too :D). Will telling it make it stop? Dunno. But here it goes. o.o

    I was in my mom and dad’s room upstairs one evening when my dad read on a site about a rare space phenomenon taking place. I looked out the window into the sky and immediately saw what it was.

    Something had made the sky so incredibly clear that you could not only see the moon up close, but Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. And other galaxies in the background. And the cosmos in general (which looked more purple than black).

    I stared at it for a really long time, soaking up this magnificent, epic moment. Then I saw the earth up close in detail (I think it was somehow being reflected off of the moon). It was so close I could see the mountains! I could see South Africa labeled! 8D It looked more like those old maps from the 1400s or 1500s. It was so close it looked like one of those huge maps social studies teachers have hanging in their classrooms in front of the chalkboard.

    Then I woke up. :C

  • More of those college dreams…

    My more recent college dreams seem to portray me as a graduate. :O Like this one where I was visiting a college campus and found this one class being taught by my fifth grade history/Language Arts teacher. :O And another class (science, I think) being taught by my grandma. o.o I ran out when my grandma saw me, since I didn’t want her to think I was skipping school (even though she knows very well IRL that I already graduated).

    Then there was this other part where I was with some relatives in Channel Islands’ new library while it was under construction. Some of the rails were missing and (railless) walkways were falling apart, but despite that, it was open to the public! 😀

  • Dream: The Real Maya

    Bwahahaha, I just remembered I had a dream where there were multiple Mayas.

    (For those who don’t know: Maya.) Each one was different.

    Some still had their tags intact (that little cloth-like tag that has info like the manufacture, laundering info, etc? Yup, I cut Maya’s tag when I was very little, so there’s only a white line on her bum. ^^;).

    Some had white lines on the backs of their heads from where other tags were cut off.

    Some were posed a little differently (ex. they were standing, instead of sitting).

    They all roughly had the same amount of wear and…baldness. My job was to find the original Maya (i.e. MY Maya).

    (The ones with the tags intact, I tried to see if I could find the store names, since I wanted to know where Maya came from. :3)

    (Ha, this reminds me. I also had another dream where I discovered the origin of another bear Maya was based off of. This bear was named Amateur. He dressed like a steampunk pilot with a leather jacket with goggles.)

  • Dream: Sugges—Subjective Coding

    About three years ago, I had a lot of dreams where my mom and dad had another kid (in some of them, said baby was adopted), probably spawned from my desire to have a third sibling. ;o; (Especially after seeing a certain three year old cousin of mine.) I got over it, probably because I learned that said cousin can throw really…wild tantrums. :O Not so much the diaper thing. I’ve seen my mom change L’s diaper when she was a baby, and I thought it was more cool than gross. But just the tantrums. Yeah.)

    But I had another one last night! :O Probably because of Zoey, and how she’s like a fourth kid in our family (unlike Muffin and Peach, who only need to be fed, brushed and their litter boxes cleaned). Zoey needs to someone to play with her and keep her company, otherwise she gets bored (and sits at the front window, barking wildly at people on the sidewalk or the neighbors).

    But before that, I also had a dream that one of the developers left me some “subjective” (almost called it “suggestive”) coding for me on the dusty surface of my laundry hamper (mentioned on their blog that they left something for “the owner of Giantpaper…”). O_o I kinda wondered, if it’s subjective, does that mean its meaning could depend on each person that interprets it? (“I think it’s creating an array…” “Looks like it’s parsing something….”)

    Right when I was starting to question HOW they were able to find out where I live, the dream switched over to the previously mentioned one, where we were at some kind of large warehouse, with brand new baby sister and a friend of my mom’s. Dad had gotten little sister ready in her stroller/carriage thing, and asked me to close the big garage door. I wondered for a moment if the noise of the door closing would scare her (kind of like how Zoey is scared by loud noises) before I woke up.