
  • Introversion isn’t a flaw

    Introversion isn’t a flaw

    I forget that a lot of people see introversion as a bad thing. 😮 I read on GPC

    One-Third of adults are introverts in a world where extroverted qualities are praised. People that need to recharge after social events are thought of as boring. Shy people (who do not make up all introverts) are labeled creepy, stupid, or odd. I cannot possibly convey how horribly damaging this is. Some people can also get to a point where they actually create a reality from originally false labels. If people around you are calling your stupid, you eventually start to believe it. We should not label someone something and expect them to behave oppositely.

    MissJean (topic)

    I’m an introvert, and as far as I know, I don’t think I ever experienced negativity for it. On the other hand, the fact that there are people who see introversion (and shyness in particular) as a flaw really bothers me.

    In somewhat relatedness, I remember a little before Facebook turned to the Dark Side, how they were setting a lot of features (about section, photos, interests, etc) to public as a default. I thought they were trying to get their users to open up more, because “it’s a social network!” (Err, I guess now they were trying to get people to open up more, but not for socialness…) It was annoying, but as long as I could change things to “friends only”, I was happy.

  • “Hey Presto, Opera switches to WebKit”

    I’m kinda surprised that so many people are sad in the comments. For me, it’s one less browser to code for (even though Opera is my primary browser, but SO MANY PEOPLE use Chrome and Safari, compared to Opera). And sites like will freaking finally work in Opera. Heck, my own site looks kind of weird in Opera Mini (Opera Mini is going to use whatever Chrome and/or Safari uses, right? :o).

  • “Bullying Attack Leaves Boy in Coma”

    For giving a boy a fractured nose, multiple seizures and a coma, the bully was suspended with no charges pressed.

    I was reading online about someone’s daughter who was being bullied at her high school. The bully gave her a black eye while beating her up in front of a crowd of classmates, and the other kids tormented her and her sister via SMS. The bully was expelled from the school, sent to juvenile hall and was fined $2000.
