Tag: webdev

  • Changelog || v2017.06.10

    Changelog || v2017.06.10

    Bug Fixes

    • Some of the post/page body text and the sidebar on the static pages were creeping under the left/right-aligned images.


    • The browser’s default tooltips were replaced with swanky-looking custom ones. ^_^ Some Javascript magic had to be involved (in order to remove the default ones, otherwise you would get the default ones along with the stylized ones and that would not be cool!). But the new tooltips themselves are 100% CSS black magic.*
    • Some of the posts and pages have subtitles. I redid said subtitles so they look cooler, after seeing how a lot of news sites format their articles now (trying to get away from the blocky look of the text basically).

    *On that note, I was on r/TheSliphRoad when I noticed that the upvote/downvote buttons on topics showed a Pokemon icon (whichever ‘mon starred in the most recent PoGo event) flying away and fading when clicked. Looking at the source code, I noticed that there was a new property transition that I never seen before. So that’s what’s powering the fading and moving part of the tooltips. Stuff like this reminds me that CSS is like the zerg–always changing and evolving. 🤓

  • LESS is Awesome

    Sooo I’m in the process of constructing a new layout for Giantpaper (that may not see the light of day for a while now). I’ve been using LESS for it, once I saw how it seems to have been made for people like me (who get lost in a sea of code easily).

  • “Hey Presto, Opera switches to WebKit”

    I’m kinda surprised that so many people are sad in the comments. For me, it’s one less browser to code for (even though Opera is my primary browser, but SO MANY PEOPLE use Chrome and Safari, compared to Opera). And sites like will freaking finally work in Opera. Heck, my own site looks kind of weird in Opera Mini (Opera Mini is going to use whatever Chrome and/or Safari uses, right? :o).

  • Dreams: It’s all About the Webdevs

    Dream #1: Web Developers and Their Guinea Pigs

    I was watching a video on guinea pig care. One of the things they warned about was when a guinea pig was doing something to them, that the owners not interrupt them, otherwise it would disrupt the relationship between guinea pig and owner. Ex. there was a shot of a GP jumping up and down (which last time I checked, was physically impossible for them to do?) on their owner’s back, which shows that they have a “web developer relationship”.

    (I then woke up thinking “Aww man, I don’t want to go to school!”)

    Dream #2: I Wonder if These Guys Have Guinea Pigs…

    An OC Jedi Master and Padawan team (“original character”, not “Orange County” :P) were at the Jedi Temple. The Padawan was a computer programmer/developer. She was also being bullied by another Padawan and she couldn’t figure out why. Eventually she found out he once had a girlfriend (another Jedi) who was also a programmer, who uh, died while coding. I tried to figure out why he would bully the other apprentice, unless if *gasp* he actually has feelings for her and didn’t want her to end up like his late girlfriend! :O (I also wondered why everything has to end up in romance.) Eventually the victim’s Master had a talk with the bully, who walked out like a cheerful little daisy, promising to do good in his studies and impress the other Masters. And that meant no bullying.

    (These dreams took place on different nights, btw.)