
  • “Here’s What It Looks Like To Use Google Glass, And Here’s How To Get One”

    “Here’s What It Looks Like To Use Google Glass, And Here’s How To Get One”

    But in Accel World, they used electronic collarish-looking things that were wired into the user’s brain, so everything they saw through their neurodevices was only visible to them. Whenever they wanted to take a picture of something, they would just think it (instead of telling the device to take a photo).

    Also I am wondering…

    • The scene where the lady was recording a rollarcoaster ride…my own prescription glasses wouldn’t stay on my head until I had someone in the glasses department at Costco custom fitted to my head. I wasn’t even on a rollarcoaster when this happened. Would the users need to have their Google Glass…things be custom fitted?
    • How would this work for glasses wearers? Could we just wear them over our regular glasses? (Which I do with regular sunglasses from Target and have no shame about it. :D)
    • And the most obvious question of all: would we be able to focus on the HUD without giving ourselves headaches?

    It looks cool, but I think I want something a bit closer to Accel World. >_<

    Featured image by Dan Leveille

  • Dream: It’s Not a Bug–It’s a Feature! (Samsung Galaxy Media Player)

    I had a dream about a Samsung Galaxy Nexus media player that spewed fire whenever I was about to go near some stuff belonging to a ghost girl. The problem is…her stuff was actually my stuff, which I wanted back.

    (I was able to get my stuff back when I got her to join my side. She and another ghost girl explored my old college together disguised as rabbits.)

  • Fun with Bloons TD 5!

    Fun with Bloons TD 5!

    Look at all them ZOMGs!
  • “Would You Kindly Be My Valentine?”

    “Would You Kindly Be My Valentine?”

    Coming to you LIVE from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, it’s time to celebrate Valentine’s Day with Rapture’s number one radio dating programme: Would You Kindly! Free from the tyrannical oppression of government broadcasting standards and hosted by the founder of Rapture, Andrew Ryan, Would You Kindly challenges one contestant to choose from three viable paramours (sitting unseen behind a screen) by asking them a series of romance-based questions. So, inject your plasmid of choice, spider-walk to your favorite spot on the ceiling, telekenetically turn up the volume on your radio, and enjoy the show!


    Happy Valentine’s Day. :O