
  • GPORG’s Lighthouse Scores

    GPORG’s Lighthouse Scores

    I don’t really use Chrome, unless if it’s for work purposes. So that’s probably why I didn’t know you could use Lighthouse in the webdev tools window. 😱

    Soo yeah, this was the best I could for GPORG (on the homepage). Apparently it is possible to get 100s all four, but almost impossible unless if you have an extremely barebones, one-page site. Some of the stuff Lighthouse wants you to do to score a 100 under Performance and Best Practices is kind of ridiculous:

    • Remove unused CSS & JS — I mean…I once I figured out tree-shaking, the Performance score went from 80s to 90s. The only reason why it’s not a 100 is because the “unused” CSS & JS is being used on other pages (like the CSS for the Gutenberg blocks), and I still need that for things to display correctly. But Lighthouse doesn’t know that, so I still got dinged. If the CSS & JS files were much bigger due to code being used on other pages, I would’ve gotten a lower score.
      • Also depending on how many plugins you have that bring their own (required) code to the party, you might see a lower score.
      • And also? Adding things like tracking scripts can generate a lower score.
    • Reduce server load — not getting this one anymore, but when I was still getting it, it was like…”how???” I had a pretty darn good caching plugin, combined with Cloudflare with memcached enabled, soo….🤷‍♀️
    • Registers an unload listener — this is caused by the WPBruiser plugin, injecting some embedded JS directly onto the page. There’s no way for me remove that, and even if I could, I have no way of knowing if it would break the plugin.

    Moral of the story — use Lighthouse as a guide but don’t lose sleep over it. (The only scores I care about really is accessibility and SEO, both of which I got 100s on.)

    – THE END –

  • Covid shot

    Btw, got my covid shot #1 yesterday! Should you get the shot once it’s available to you? Yeeeeahh!! All the cool kids are doing it 😏

  • SpellScan? Should be SpellScam

    SpellScan? Should be SpellScam

    A few things about this:

    1. I should probably format these messages so they’re readable.
    2. No, I did not, “Beth”. 😤 That’s how you spell “cron”.
    3. This Spellscan site is a series of spam form submissions hitting sites lately. It made itself known to a few clients at work. If you get one of these, don’t go the spellscan site.
    4. The fact that it actually got through WPBruiser’s antispam checks tells me there are humans submitting these, and not bots. So if you mark it as spam, you might cause legit form submissions to go to spam as well. Which I’m pretty sure you don’t want.


    More folks talking about Spellscam–I mean Spellscan.

    Edit #2

    I guess it’s debatable if it’s actually a scam (I didn’t visit their site). But definitely spam. Spellspam then???