Don’t just look at the image — read the comments!
Tag: funny
“Police say they found mafia fugitive on YouTube, posting cooking tutorials”
Imagine being a law enforcement agent who had spent years trying to track down a fugitive. One night you pour a glass of wine and pull up youtube to hone your culinary skills while you relax. As the creator leans in to the shot, you go “HOLD UP, I KNOW THOSE TATTOOS”
patrickdeuley-tattoo appears on screen-
-wine glass hits the floor and shatters-
The scene writes itself.
50me12 -
Codekit Updates
From Codekit’s new update today:
Just in time for me to discover and start using PurgeCSS! 👀
Link to update btw from Codekit’s site.
Searches for “dream about bathroom stalls”
People searching for “dream about bathroom stalls”…it seems I’m not the only one. 👀