Uufufufu, mine use Chrome. I got my mom (who is more computer hardware-savvy than the average parent…as in…she built one of my old desktops) to switch to Firefox, after telling her it was more secure than Internet Explorer several years ago. Then she got my dad to switch after telling him the same thing. Now they both use Chrome.
This. Map. Is. False.
Mr. Giantpaper decided we should make Portal 2 maps with the not-so-newly released Perpetual Testing Initiative (the map-making tool). This was mine.
“I may not be a planet, but check out my fifth moon, fools!”
Currently, the moon is going by the catchy name S/2012 (134340) 1. It joins Charon, Nix, and Hydra, along with the recently discovered P4 (all but Charon were spotted by Hubble). The new moon was spotted in multiple images, making it clear that it was gravitationally bound to Pluto. It’s oddly shaped, varying between 10 and 25 km across.
Ars TechnicaHow did I not know about Moons #2, 3 and 4, Pluto? ;o;
Meet the Pyro!!!!!!
Spoiler below.