
  • Secret World Makes Subscription Optional

    Secret World Makes Subscription Optional


    Guess I have another game to look forward to for the Christmas sale.

    (I understand that the developers regularly add new monthly content, which is the reason for the subscription fee. I was just wondering if it would be possible to have said regularly added content be only available to subscribers. ‘w’;; Just a thought. I don’t mind paying a one-time fee though.)



    The Jedi Temple…you’ll never find a more wretched hive of–oh wait. Wrong place. *ahem*

    FunkyMonk and I started playing SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic). We were planning on waiting for it to go free to play, but FM saw that it was only about $7 at Target and thought, welll…we could buy the game now and wait for it to go F2P.

    And then mid-October, we decided–no, wait. I’m not sure what happened here. But we decided to start playing it anyway. But if we get a subscription for one month, we won’t be charged until the month is over. Before that happens, we could cancel the subscription and won’t have to pay.

  • How to Opt Out of Facebook’s Newest Attempts to Track Everything You Do, Even Offline

    How to Opt Out of Facebook’s Newest Attempts to Track Everything You Do, Even Offline

    Now this is just saaaad, Facebook. Why stoop to such lows?

    Edit // 2020.11.04

    It’s 2020 and I stopped being surprised by shitty behavior like this. 😤 Facebook has been stooping to such lows for so long, they could beat everyone at limbo.