Daaaaaayuuum, Rank Math.
I was using Rank Math for a while after switching over from the SEO Framework. Then I decided to give TSF another try after reading some unfavorable reviews about Rank Math.
(more…)Daaaaaayuuum, Rank Math.
I was using Rank Math for a while after switching over from the SEO Framework. Then I decided to give TSF another try after reading some unfavorable reviews about Rank Math.
(more…)I was editing a client’s site with WordPress, when a trackpad glitch made the word I was trying to link to become split into 2 links (so one half of the link was pointing to one URL and the other to another URL). Because of that, it screamed in pain.
And here, testing out Gutenberg for the first time in case this is something I might want to use in the future when it gets released to the wild!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ultricies turpis eget iaculis molestie. In eget purus ut arcu eleifend iaculis. Maecenas ante risus, molestie quis viverra non, vehicula tempor augue.
Sed faucibus sed nunc at blandit. Suspendisse commodo odio in urna vulputate hendrerit. Integer blandit aliquet neque, ac viverra tellus. Vivamus in nisl porttitor metus ultrices lacinia.
And another paragraph of text riiiight here.
Vivamus eget viverra augue, iaculis blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam eu dui nunc. Vestibulum at est pretium, dapibus nunc eget, maximus massa. In luctus felis sed semper pharetra. Nam efficitur at arcu id dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis vitae augue massa. Vestibulum commodo velit a auctor varius. Morbi pharetra eu arcu ac mattis. Nam nec risus a lacus ultricies efficitur eget sit amet risus. Nullam sollicitudin dui quis risus mollis, eget mollis enim blandit.
The Lipsum
<h1>Whoa! This is some highlighted code!</h1> <!-- comment--yes -->
Soo…I’ve been digging through my Limit Login Attempts logs and noticed that :O someone/thing has been trying to break into my site a lot more than I thought.
Ever since I installed the plugin, I’ve had as of now, 251 lockouts. Just a small sampling of the logs: