Tag: star wars

  • Star Wars: The End of an Era (No Spoilers)

    Star Wars: The End of an Era (No Spoilers)

    I’m probably being overly dramatic, but I finally saw Rise of Skywalker. 🥺 I’ve heard a lot of people were disappointed, that it didn’t answer all the questions or it created more questions. But you know, I kinda don’t care! I think it was a great end to the “main” Star Wars movies.

    It scored a lot of nostalgia points for me. In particular seeing returning characters we haven’t seen for a while aaand had a few callbacks from the prequels1. (And Rebels and Clone Wars but I didn’t watch Rebels till after, still finishing Clone Wars after a giant hiatus.) Which was 🥺 complete nostalgia fuel for me.

    If you’re uber into Star Wars2, you might enjoy it just because of those reasons.

    1. Being one of few, probably about…20? people on the planet who actually liked the prequels.
    2. As in, Wookieepedia is your Bible, you know the backstories or at least the names of even the background characters who are seen for 10 seconds, etc
  • Dreams: It’s all About the Webdevs

    Dream #1: Web Developers and Their Guinea Pigs

    I was watching a video on guinea pig care. One of the things they warned about was when a guinea pig was doing something to them, that the owners not interrupt them, otherwise it would disrupt the relationship between guinea pig and owner. Ex. there was a shot of a GP jumping up and down (which last time I checked, was physically impossible for them to do?) on their owner’s back, which shows that they have a “web developer relationship”.

    (I then woke up thinking “Aww man, I don’t want to go to school!”)

    Dream #2: I Wonder if These Guys Have Guinea Pigs…

    An OC Jedi Master and Padawan team (“original character”, not “Orange County” :P) were at the Jedi Temple. The Padawan was a computer programmer/developer. She was also being bullied by another Padawan and she couldn’t figure out why. Eventually she found out he once had a girlfriend (another Jedi) who was also a programmer, who uh, died while coding. I tried to figure out why he would bully the other apprentice, unless if *gasp* he actually has feelings for her and didn’t want her to end up like his late girlfriend! :O (I also wondered why everything has to end up in romance.) Eventually the victim’s Master had a talk with the bully, who walked out like a cheerful little daisy, promising to do good in his studies and impress the other Masters. And that meant no bullying.

    (These dreams took place on different nights, btw.)

  • Dream: Roll out the baddies

    This morning, I had another dream. I only remember a few parts, that involved a huge palace, kinda like Theed Palace, near my grandpa’s house. In the ballroom, stormtroopers, clonetroopers and…Blue Guards? Senate Guards? (they call the Imperial Guards the Red Guards, so why not Blue Guards? :P) were all running (all synchronized and choreographed like in a musical) to this event/ritual that was about to take place in some other part of the palace. I think Palpatine was involved. The Imperial March was playing in the background. Yup, that’s about it. :3

    On another note, it had sort of a Gothic/vampire feel to it. After the running troopers and Senate guards cleared, a couple, both dressed in royal blue (like the Senate Guards) and black followed after them. I think the guy was actually some kind of vampire, and he was possessing/controlling the girl/woman to be his new lover. I knew I was supposed to rescue her, but couldn’t help thinking that she looked really cool in her new attire (black gown, royal blue velvet cape with high collar, dark/medium brown hair and pale skin).