Tag: shower

  • A Potentially Awkward Gender Reveal Dream

    In this one, I had a doctor appointment. The doctor was a pretty female doctor, who for some reason, thought I was a guy and kept flirting with me. O.o (Which also weirded me out, because while I know there are people whose genders tend to be ambiguous, I thought it was pretty obvious I was a girl.)

    Just before the exam, I needed to take a shower, according to office policy,  since I haven’t taken one in a few days. The doctor, still thinking I was a he led me to the men’s showers. It was a building on someone’s lawn, and the pastor from our church was giving a sermon across the street. I looked around and saw several rolls of towels on a metal rack and took one. Then I remembered that I was in the wrong shower and left.

    The female shower area was much more well-furnished, purple, orange and green walls and matching armchairs. The towels (also in rolls) were on this shiny, wooden table. In the actual shower, I noticed that the building was a lot smaller than I remembered (only about…two feet tall). It was also inflatable, as opposed to being made of concrete–so inflated that the walls took up most of the interior. Tired of being squished in there, I tried to use dream magic to either make me think the building was larger or that I was a lot smaller. It worked for a little while after a few minutes, then slowly started to shrink again.

    I became fed up and busted  through the roof and yelled about how it felt like being in a dollhouse in here (with extra hamminess for effect). Then I grabbed one of the shower items, turned and left. Then had to turn around when I remembered I left my stuff in front of the building.

    The end.

  • Dream: Mission: Shower

    Jeidai, me, my family and Jeidai’s family were on a bus, visiting relatives in Sacremento, when I realized I needed to take a shower. Luckily! There was a shower in the back! 😀

    Ummm…turns out…the back didn’t offer a lot of privacy (there were windows everywhere). And when we reached a bus stop, people got into the back area, where I wanted to shower. o.o So much for that plan.

    I knew I had to get back to everyone else before we end up getting separated, because I knew if I did, I would end up at an alternate version of the school after it was taken over by Disneyland and abandoned! :O

    (Luckily I managed join up with everyone. The end. :D)