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Gonna say, there is absolutely no reason for me to add reading time to each of the blog posts, other than “because I can”. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just launched GPORG Reloaded. No big, sweeping changes really. I just wanted the post types, post type elements, etc to have a little more consistency, like “oh yes, I totally planned all of this to be like this! 👍”, rather than having everything thrown together haphazardly, like an afterthought (which they were 👀). So this is why devs need actual mockups to work off of. 🤔

GPORG Updates

To folks wondering why some styles look a little messed up—yeeeah so some things are having issues. I’m working on a big update that will fix and restructure certain areas, and just clean up a lot of stuff so it doesn’t look haphazardly thrown together. I most likely won’t bother trying to fix the wonky styles, unless it affects readability. I’m only one person, yo. But…STAY TUNED.