A friend and I were in a city that was being invaded by demons and ghouls. We decided to use music to make them go away, and each bought an electric guitar from a music store. We thought maybe we could play Cura, (forgot the name of the second song) and Curaga, healing spells from the Final Fantasy games. The idea was that the healing properties of the songs would cancel out the undead nature of the bad guys and finish them off. I don’t know about my friend but I didn’t have any experience with playing music (ex. didn’t know what a chord was until a little while ago and didn’t understand the point). So I wasn’t sure if this would work and just enrage them further due to my bad playing.
My (literal) dream guitar
I then woke up and decided to get into guitar anyway and went to a guitar store. These two guys were at the counter when I showed up and I told them what I was looking for. They didn’t say anything and just looked at me expectantly. I got annoyed, thinking what I have to do this myself now? I demanded “WELL ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME OR WHAT”. They both agreed to help me but the one sitting directly in front of me had to do some employee stuff so the other guy helped me. I repeated what I said before (“I’m a complete noob with guitar so something that’s easy to play would be best. But I generally prefer quality over ease of play”), and realized maybe I never actually told them what I was looking for out loud, and only said it my head, which is why they were waiting for me to say something. I felt bad but the store employee didn’t seem offended and was like “ah got it”.
He went over to look at their current stock and two of guitars he inspected looked like the same exact bright blue in my dream. I grew hopefully, thinking maybe I could have the same one from my dream. But he put them down and instead picked up another with a pale wood finish and said “with guitars, it’s better to have ease of play over quality” and proceeded to get the wood one ready for purchase.
My soon-to-be (very literal) dream guitar
I agreed and then noticed as he was gathering the parts, how dinged up it looked from far away. I thought “bleh, I hope I get a discount with this”. And also wondered if what he said about ease of play vs. quality was true and couldn’t help but think that he only picked the wood one just to get rid of it.
And then I woke up for real.
And noo this didn’t make me want to get into guitar for real. I actually tried taking up violin when I was a kid, despite having no musical background. And violin is probably one of the last things I should’ve tried. So…it didn’t go well. It lasted for 3 weeks, and I only listen to music but actually have no interest in playing it.
Once had this written down somewhere, then I lost it, huh.
An oldish dream from about 7 years ago.
Samantha and Nellie (from American Girls) were trying to solve the mystery of Ravenscourt (in Samantha’s first mystery). I was up in L’s room, when I heard that Samantha planned to call the hotel and ask them a few questions. Except that she didn’t want her aunt and uncle to know that she was involved in a mystery. So instead of calling the hotel directly*, she asked the operator to have the hotel call her instead, claiming that their phone wasn’t working correctly.
*it seems that they now have the newer phones that allow them to dial a person’s number, rather than getting the operator to do it
I heard about this. And since I was feeling overprotective of them in a big sister sort of way, I knew I had to stop them before someone got hurt. I jumped into my car, and hurried down Lewis Rd…and ended up running a red light.
Immediately, since both my parents and I have psychic powers, they knew what happened. And I knew through them immediately, that a traffic ticket was waiting for me at home.
I probably did get a ticket waiting for me at home. But I didn’t go back home for a long time, and I was to appear in trial, but didn’t. So I had the government on my tail!
Now A Fugitive
I joined a caravan-type of group of wanderers, blending in as one of them. We traveled around a lot. One of the places we visited was the top of a bunch of steep, craggy mountains, everything in a beige-colored mist–almost looked like the traditional Chinese ink paintings.
We were standing on a bridge, suspended over a stream about sixty feet below, when we were stopped by a group of FBI agents for some kind of inspection. One of them looked like Rude, the bald Turk from Final Fantasy VII. Everyone else in the caravan accepted this as a routine sort of thing, but I knew that they were really looking for me. If I took off, they would become suspicious and I would most likely be caught, and found out. So I stayed. (Actually, even though it seemed like we were in some far off country or land like Middle Earth, we were only about ten minutes away from where I lived.)
One of the other wanderers, somewhere in his twenties in the caravan was becoming increasingly paranoid and kept sputtering left and right, “I didn’t do it!! I didn’t do it!!” When one of the agents approached the both of us, he first interrogated me, with me thinking I was already caught, because wouldn’t he recognize me? But he seemed completely clueless, and went on to question the nervous guy. After he was done, he gave us both a piece of paper. The guy’s paper was a yellow, index card-sized flyer to a local event taking place. Mine was black with yellow lettering.
After glancing at the paper (but didn’t actually read it), I knew that the agent knew who I was, and the paper just mentioned what was going to happen to me. The agent told me, “Just give it up. (Something about how my punishment would be worse if I tried to escape.) All the missions in the world had been canceled.” (“Missions” as in the missions you get in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.) And I thought, ‘All because I ran a red light.’
Immediately, I threw the paper to the ground. (I was hoping it would fall to the stream below for drama, but it didn’t, darn.) Then I jumped off the bridge into the stream, thinking ‘you’ll never catch me!’ Except the stream was a lot more shallow than I thought. I probably would’ve been killed if I hadn’t tweaked the dream a bit, so I would just fall in the stream. I was hoping that I would go downstream and away from the agents. Only once again, the rocks made it difficult, but with a little more help from lucid dreaming, I was able to get away.
The closest example I could find of the stream
Starting A New Life… (Sort of)
I ended up at Ventura Harbor and swam out to an empty oceanliner, thinking I might use this as my new hideout. Even though I was the only living being there, it didn’t mean I was alone…
The ship was a lot more rusted than I thought, telling me it was abandoned. Just as I walked into what looked like the dining hall, these…ghosts, some of them were green (think Slimer from Ghostbusters) started popping up in song and dance. And zombies. Yup. That kinda freaked me out a bit, but I wasn’t that afraid of them. I figured if I were nice to them, they would be touched and accept me as one of their own. (Well, except the zombies, who didn’t seem that interested.)
I was right about that. For years, they had lived aboard the abandoned ocean liner, longing for one of the living to treat them as their equal, whether they be dead or alive. Just recently, with the government hunting them down so much, they ended up having to stay in the ocean liner. They pretty much hated the living, and the government especially.
I stayed with them for a while and had a lot of fun. Almost like I was as though I were a part of their family. Eventually the FBI agents heard of my whereabouts and came aboard the ocean liner, accompanied by Leon S. Kennedy (from the Resident Evil series), who had been sent to help with the search. Before I could be taken in by them, I explained what the undead wanted. The agents agreed to talk with the government about it. And I think the undead were accepted back into the living.
The credits started rolling (with the craggy mountains from earlier in the dream as the background), panning downwards, passing by many railroad tracks running horizontally across the mountains. I waited for the bridge, that I was on with the caravan when the FBI stopped us, to appear… More railroad tracks, and not one of them was the bridge. I was getting impatient and once again, lucid dreaming kicked in, turning one of the railroad tracks into the bridge. And on the bridge were the FBI agents all mingled together with the undead, talking like old friends. I was among them, and yaaaaay, we’re all friends! The end.
(Btw, as for what happened to me after running a red light and trying to escape the consequences of it, remains unanswered).
Post-Credits Scene (Because Why Not?)
After the mov—err, dream, came a little short feature dreamed up by…me! We were at my mom’s friend’s house. She had three parakeets that she kept in separate color-coordinated cages. The cages looked more like those cat feeders with the reservoir for the food at the top. O_o The bird in the red cage had three baby birds, but somehow they fell out through the opening at the bottom (which was too small to fit them all). I picked them up and asked Mom’s friend what to do about them. She said for me to just come sit by her, since she’ll be able to keep the dog away from them (who she was afraid of getting to the birds). Umm…that’s about it, other than a few, brief flashbacks of the previous dream, featuring Leon. 😛
I had a dream about a Samsung Galaxy Nexus media player that spewed fire whenever I was about to go near some stuff belonging to a ghost girl. The problem is…her stuff was actually my stuff, which I wanted back.
(I was able to get my stuff back when I got her to join my side. She and another ghost girl explored my old college together disguised as rabbits.)
I had yet another weird dream this morning. O_o It had two parts.
Part One
I was cleaning the house of a woman, while her five year old daughter was taking a bath. Once she was done, I jumped in after so I could take one myself. When I sat in the tub, I noticed I had pink marker lines all over me, drawn in some kind of weird pattern. I then remembered a dream I had about a ghost drawing patterns all over me (while my pajamas were still on), so these lines must’ve come from that dream! :O
Part Two
I was in my room, with Mocha on my bed, when two birds and three monkeys came in through the window and somehow got themselves trapped in Mocha’s cage. O_o I took the cage out to the back, since I didn’t want wild animals in the house and they all ran/flew out into the backyard. I watched them play among the bushes, until I noticed an old 60s type car drive into the backyard from the side of the house and get stuck in the wall. I thought that it might be a ghost car (why else would it appear out of nowhere into the backyard?).
Worm88 walked by and I showed him the ghost car…which had “conveniently” faded away. I then showed him the birds and monkeys (birds I can understand, but how often do you see monkeys in your backyard in the city?). They too had disappeared and I figured that they were ghosts as well. When Worm88’s back was turned, the license plate of the car had appeared and the monkeys reappeared again. I gave up trying to show him, since I knew they would disappear once he turned toward them. X_x