You know when you’re dreaming, you sometimes notice you could do anything you want (i.e. fly). I had one of those this morning, which came in handy for me, since it was also one of those fugitive dreams. Except this time, some jerk over in Dreamworld decided that since I get amazing superhuman powers, the other inhabitants in my dream (i.e. people I was trying to get away from) should also get said amazing, superhuman powers. So while running from them, I decided to fly up to a telephone pole I saw nearby, thinking I would be safe there. But when I kind of “thought” my way up, I saw that one of the other folks after me could do the same.
So I decided to fly off from there, with the others on my tail. But I didn’t like the fact that they could do whatever I could do, because this is MY dream! I’M the only one who’s supposed to have amazing superhuman powers! So I managed to disable their powers by thinking ‘And Youtube decided it no longer wanted to play’ (their powers are powered by Youtube* :)). With that obstacle out of the way, I pressed on, and when I flew up, I discovered that there were several different layers to this world, and because I could fly, I could reach all of them. They all looked pretty much the same (green grass growing with some colorful tents set out).
*I think mine were powered by Google, which owns Youtube. Maybe that’s why I had such an easy time disabling their powers. 😛