I’ve had dreams where I’m in Disneyland and I get lost, mainly when I get to a certain abandoned hotel. And in this dream, I wound up at Disneyland again, but this time, I was determined not to get lost!
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Dream: Mission: Shower
Jeidai, me, my family and Jeidai’s family were on a bus, visiting relatives in Sacremento, when I realized I needed to take a shower. Luckily! There was a shower in the back! 😀
Ummm…turns out…the back didn’t offer a lot of privacy (there were windows everywhere). And when we reached a bus stop, people got into the back area, where I wanted to shower. o.o So much for that plan.
I knew I had to get back to everyone else before we end up getting separated, because I knew if I did, I would end up at an alternate version of the school after it was taken over by Disneyland and abandoned! :O
(Luckily I managed join up with everyone. The end. :D)
Dream: Giantpaper in Wonderland?
- Jeidai: cousin
- L: sister
(Most of the earlier half of this dream is a bunch of seemingly unrelated fragments…kinda like Alice in Wonderland. This is what I get for not writing this one ASAP.)
Jeidai‘s immediate family and my immediate family were on some kind of vacation in Japan. We stayed at this warehouse-looking hotel and played this game where Jeidai’s dad dressed up in a Yeti costume and would try to scare the beejeebies out of us. The cousins (my siblings and I and Jeidai and her siblings) explored the city, but were on the constant lookout for Jeidai’s dad umm…dressed up as a Yeti…
Then we met our match on a train where Jeidai and I sat in the back, surrounded by school girls in uniforms. Someone in a Yeti outfit came up to spook us, and just when we thought we had lost, Jeidai’s dad NOT wearing the Yeti outfit came up, next to the Yeti person. For a while, we were confused, until the unknown person took off the mask, revealing…
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Dream: Giantpaper Will Not Be Panning For Gold
Sometimes I have dreams where I’m in some hidden room of Jeidai’s house, filled with old, unused objects (kinda like in someone’s attic or garage). There’s a hole in the floor that allows me to warp to my grandparents’ old house, when I squeeze myself into it.
And sometimes, I have dreams where I’m in a huge hotel at Disneyland, where I get lost in easily. And after wandering around, I wind up in an old elevator that takes me to some outside location in a 50s version of Tomorrowland.