During a panel today at PAX Prime 2012 in Seattle, Valve writers Chet Faliszek and Erik Wolpaw revealed some interesting tidbits about their time in the industry. Foremost among these pieces of trivia is the fact that Portal’s protagonist Chell was originally planned to marry a turret in the second game.
Game Informer
Category: Linklog
Interesting articles, links, sites, whatever. And my commentary on them.
Chell Almost Married A Turret In Portal 2
“Is Valve Teasing a Third, Gray Faction For Team Fortress 2?”
Some things the article doesn’t mention…
- Hidden person in the middle=Gray?
- Zepheniah Mann’s will updated (with the hidden message revealed).
- Gray Mann = G-man? (even if it means nothing, they do look a lot alike)